Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I Posted a Video! // Living Stephen

Hey guys!

I am so excited to announce that I finally started my Youtube channel! It's been a long time in the making, and I feel really proud of the outcome.

Go ahead and slide on over to my channel, and give it a good ol' subscribe!

See you soon!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fast Forward a Month // Living Stephen

Happy March!

I can't even believe that the last time I made a blog post was a month ago! February came and went so fast, it's hard to even catch my breath. So many fun and exciting events happened this month, and I feel so relieved and thrilled to get back into the normal habits of life again. There are a few big things that I wanted to document for you and myself, so enjoy a little montage of snips from February.

The first huge life event that occurred during February was that I quit my job at Urban Outfitters. I had been working for the company for a couple of months, and although I loved working there (Aka, I loved the discount), it was time for me to move on. I am still working for Starbucks, and going to school full-time, so it was beginning to get a little bit emotionally and physically exhausting having three full time jobs. I'm hoping with the free-up of space, I'll be able to focus a little bit more time on myself, my body, my relationships and this blog! All very important things, but all got put to the back burner when school started! So there's that.. no more discounts for me! Back to full price payer!

Another big part of the month was that my best friend from California, Cheyenne, came up and stayed with us for a couple of days! It was the perfect timing for me, having her here. I hadn't had a day off in over a month and a half, and was desperate for some quality days off. The time I spent with her and Tyler really put my life back into perspective (which is why I quit Urban.) I was spending so much time worried about how much I was working, and not spending enough time focusing on the end goal: getting my degree and starting a career. She helped me (indirectly) get my life back in order.
We spend a good amount of time sitting around and enjoying each other's company. Staying inside, drinking coffee during the day, laughing about our old adventures when we used to live together; then going out at night, grabbing dinner and drinks. One of the days, we ventured out to the coast to go to the Tillamook Cheese Factory (We love cheese.) We spent a good amount of time there, eating free cheese and ice cream (with regrets later, ew.)

*the only picture I have from the Factory, hahaha*

As we were driving back home, we decided to take a little detour. We pulled off the road, ran down a muddy hill towards a river (I don't know which one), and took in nature. I snapped a couple of photos because of how breathtaking it was.

As for the last (and the serious, biggest) event of this month was that Tyler and I became parents! We have been going to a little adoption center, run by the Oregon Humane Society, by our house for the past couple of months, looking for cat or two. We knew we wanted a younger kitten, and a possible playmate as well. When we went in two weeks ago, we both didn't have the highest expectations, but we fell in love with two little kittens.


 Mia! She's a year and a half old little Princess, and one of the sassiest cats I have ever met. She has all the qualities we need for a "Haus of Gays" cat.

And also, Eugene! Our little guy is 9 months old, and one of the funniest and cutest cats ever. He has so much energy and we're obsessed.

Well it's been such an eventful month, and I couldn't be happier with how this month turned out. Hopefully from now on, I'll be able to post a little bit more often and write more on fashion and such! 

Have a good one!