Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome to 2015 // Living Stephen

Happy New Year!

I can't believe that 2014 is actually over and that 2015 has begun. It's been an insane year, and I couldn't be happier with the results. I made some huge changes in my life, and I honestly feel like 2014 was a huge milestone. I moved out of my parent's for the first time, which was a lot more emotional than I ever thought it would be. I moved in with my boyfriend of two year, which has been one of the most amazing roller coasters I've ever been on. I moved to a different state and started a different lifestyle completely, which has been one of the most rewarding adventures I have done.

Moving forward, I feel like as great as 2014 was, I need to start thinking of 2015 has a challenge. I challenged myself in 2014 to step outside of my comfort zone, and do things that I never thought I'd ever be able to accomplish. I have always loved the comfort of my own four walls, and it took a lot out of me to make so many big decisions for myself in a year. So, as cliche as it may be, I want to make a promise to myself. (I'm not calling them resolutions, maybe I will stick to them if I don't) I want to promise a few things to myself and everyone else. I want to continue to step outside of my comfort zone and experience different things.

So first off, I want to make it a point to live a healthier lifestyle. I know that this is the main "resolution" that everyone seems to make (but not me, I'm different!), but I think that it is a positive one! I'm not going to say I'm going to start working out every day, or completely cutting out chocolate and ice cream.. I'm just saying, I need to be more cautious of my body. I have had a gym membership since I moved up to Portland, I think it's finally time to start actually using it. As well, I want to start being more health aware when it comes to what I eat. I want to start making things more, and putting more time and effort into prepping and eating correctly.

My second promise is to explore more. Portland is known for it's off the wall vibe, and it's massive array of food options, and it's time that I start taking advantage of them. I want to make it a point to try a few new restaurants, and do more things that I normally wouldn't do. There is literally so many little fun things to do around this area, and I want to start enjoying them.

My last resolution is to this blog. I always love sitting down and writing a little bit about what has been going on with me, and expressing myself through writing and photography. I have already planned out the next couple of months, and I'm so excited to start blogging more. I want to start incorporating more fashion into my posts and start using my knowledge to hopefully help someone else out! So plan on seeing a little bit more detail on fashion and other men's care! Also, I have a better camera (Thanks to T Bum!) so hopefully the quality of the pictures will be better and hopefully inspire any one out there!
I'm hoping that with this idea of spending more time with blogging, I'll start gaining the courage to start a Youtube channel, and start shifting some of my ideas to video blogging! But we'll have to wait and see about that..

Anyways, I'm excited to start the New Year! It's going to be amazing one, and I'm so thrilled to see what 2015 has in store for me!

See you later!

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