Hello everybody!
I wanted to start off by apologizing if I don't post for a long period of time (I swear like four days is a lot..) My work has scheduled me to be the "opener" which means 4AM to 1PM shifts about four times a week, and when I get home.. I don't do much of anything besides sleep and eat. Luckily for me though, I had my last open of the week, and I have two days off! Hello weekend.
With that being said, I've been exploring a lot of Portland since moving up here, and will hopefully be exploring more this weekend. One of my favorite things to do, even in California, was going hiking. I've always hated working out and going to the gym, so this is a super easy replacement for that! Luckily for me, I knew coming to Portland meant I'd be able to get a little bit of every world; I'd be able to go to Downtown for the city life, go to the towns near by for the suburb, and be able to drive about thirty minutes in every direction for nature. It's such a good mix of everything, and it lets me do A LOT of exploring.
We have been hiking a few times since living up here, and have found some really amazing places. A lot of the hiking in Oregon is SUPER green and very wet, which makes it so much more fun than the dry, hot hikes you'd find in Southern California.
The first place we went to was about two weeks after we moved up to Portland, and we went to this place called the Oneota Gorge.. which I still can't pronounce, but it was the best hike to start with. It is only about a mile long, and is the coolest adventure ever. You basically just turn off a main road, and walk down some man made stairs into a gorge. You have to climb through, what looks like a huge damn of logs and branches, into about a four foot deep pool (which there was no way around), and then at the end is a waterfall. This was definitely a wet and cold hike, but it was beautiful and insanely cool.
A few weeks later, we ended up going on this insane hike with a couple of our friends. It was totally not what we were expecting it to be all. It was called Opal Creeks, and it was about two hours away from where we live. It was such a far drive/hike, but it was one of the most amazing hikes I have ever been on. We ended up swimming in a waterfall that we found, and hiked through the most insane trees. We even rode down a natural water slide made in the rocks. We got hamburgers after too.. which made it all the better. ;)
The most recent place we went to was just Tyler and I, which is always so fun and nice to do together. We went to Multnomah Falls, but instead of doing the trail with the big falls (if you know anything about hiking here, you know what Multnomah is), we went on a different trail called the Wahkeena trail. It was definitely much more of a battle, but we ended up coming across some of the most beautiful waterfalls, and hiked enough to tire us both out.
Well that's as much hiking as we have made time for. Hopefully we'll be able to find some more cool places, and try going to hike in the rain! If anyone is in the area, definitely try these ones out though. SO beautiful.
Until next time,