Monday, September 22, 2014

San Diego to Portland // Living Stephen

Hello guys!

As I mentioned in my first post, I recently moved up to Portland, Oregon! A lot of people (in real life, and over the internet) have asked me why I took to the long trek out of Southern California and into Northern Oregon. Fortunately for me, the whole entire move was pretty easy, and I feel happier than ever in this city.

It all started the very first time I came up to Portland. My older brother, Robert, has been living up here since I was in high school, and when I finally had a steady income and enough time, I made it a point to come up and visit him. I can still remember the first time I visited, and how amazing everything seemed. The trees were so green, the air felt so clean, and the people seemed so nice. I absolutely fell in love with the city I had only seen for a week. 

As years passed, I knew exactly where I wanted to be, and where I didn't want to be anymore. I knew I wanted to get out of California and move up to Portland with my brother. What I didn't know was that I was going to be falling in love with someone right before I was planning on leaving. I met my boyfriend, Tyler, on January 12, 2012, and we haven't been apart since. I thought what I wanted was to get away from California, but he's always been so much more important, and I don't regret staying longer in California.

(From one of our first dates, how cute.)

Now we get to more recent times. As of about a year ago, Tyler and I knew we wanted to live together. We were both in a place in our lives where we knew what we wanted, and what we wanted was to be together. We had talked for months about it, and decided that Los Angeles would be the best for us.. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out as planned. I didn't get accepted into the school I wanted, and I kept thinking about how much I disliked LA and how badly I didn't want to live there. We finally had to have that one talk (you know, the one talk.. that one talk you don't want to have, cause it could go really great.. or really bad). I remember we sat and talked in my bed, and just got out all the feelings we had about moving. By the end of the conversation, we both decided that LA maybe wouldn't be best, and decided that Portland might be a better option!

We ended up making a trip up to Portland in March of this year, and luckily for me, Tyler fell in love with the city! (Maybe not the rain and cold, but everything else!) We both came up to this city for a change of scenery and to find out a little bit more about ourselves. We are both going back to school, both have really good jobs, and live with my brother in his house, which has been perfect.

(My fashion sense is not as ugly as that hat I'm wearing, we were just hiking, I promise..)

Anyways, I felt like I needed to write all this out and just give a full explanation of why we moved. I'm so excited to the see the new adventures that we go on together, and to see all that this city can offer us!

Until next time,

PS. I was going to write about the trip moving up here.. but I didn't want to write too much. Maybe another time ;)

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